I wrote this up for the Software Carpentry instructor training guide, and it’s short, and not a full-blown “teaching philosophy” in terms of pedagogical position, but it does represent a lot of who I am, and who I want to be.
I love ideas. As a mathematician, bibliophile, and general enthusiast for most things, I am a self-proclaimed nerd—a term I use to mean “someone who loves thinking, ideas, and learning new things.”
I love people (at least, I try). Most wisdom traditions, and my own experience, tell me that I’m not here to live for myself, but that we’re all in this together.
Most of all, I love sharing ideas with people. The best moments in life, for me, are facilitating intellectual insights along with personal connections. Those moments are what build a community that continues living in hope and adventure, especially important in times of fear and division. I teach to make those moments possible for myself and for others.
For those who are looking for a bit of a longer read, Francis Su’s wonderful speech on grace and teaching is a pretty fair representation of my own values as well.