Git Models

24 Nov 2015

There are several motivations to this post:

Git is challenging. There’s no getting around it. But I’ve found some coherence in the complexity by taking a key concept from the unix shell and applying it to git. In some ways, this approach just shuffles the learning challenge to a different place (learn this arcane command line technology and then you’ll understand git!) but I’m writing this up in the hopes that it will be helpful for people who have done a lot with the shell, but are still uncomfortable with git.

So let’s start with interacting with a Unix system via the shell. For me, one threshold concept in understanding the shell is “location is everything.” Everything you do in the shell is done in the context of the filesystem. From within a shell, you can move yourself from one arbitrary point in the filesystem to another. You can run a program from anywhere, using files from anywhere, sending output to anywhere. When you install software, that software goes into a location, using tools installed in another location, and libraries in another location. While the filesystem is normally represented as a tree, I like to think of it more as a map.

Location is everything.

A pivotal moment in my understanding of git was applying this threshold concept to git. Location is still everything, but now, instead of location in your computer (on disk, essentially), with git, we are navigating location in time. The HEAD pointer is the equivalent of whoami. We can move ourselves to any place in our timeline in the same way that we can use cd (and with the same variety of options: absolute and relative paths become commit hashes and HEAD~1). When we move around in our timeline, we see different files, same as moving around the filesystem. We can pull copies of files from the past using checkout in the same way that we normally use cp and mv. A rebase moves a set of commits in the same way that mv could move a set of nested directories. We can see where we are in time by running git branch or git log, just like we use pwd when running around the filesystem. And the list of files in this time, the ls of git, is git status.

And, of course, both the filesystem + and a git commit history are represented as trees.

This relationship isn’t going to help answer all the git questions. It doesn’t really address remotes, nor does it provide a good equivalent for the names of git branches (what would the equivalent of master be in the filesystem? Home ~?) And the particular names/syntax for git commands is never going to be intuitive. But hopefully it’s another helpful way to build understanding around another piece of useful-but-hard-to-understand software.

reflections » programming, computing, git, shell, teaching,

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