Running a Workshop

Three to Six Months: People and Place


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What do I need to have to run a Carpentries workshop?

  • Name three things you need to run a workshop.

  • Explain the difference between a self-organized and Carpentry organized workshop.

  • Given a potential audience, choose which type of Carpentries workshop would be most appropriate.

There are three components that are essential to running a workshop.

There is more work to be done after this, but these are the three things that need to be locked down, or you don’t have a workshop.


Workshops require space. This is usually the most important thing to start with; not just because it’s needed, but because it often needs to be booked weeks to months in advance.

This link has a great list of qualities to look for in a workshop space:

People, Part 1: Instructors and Helpers

People, Part 2: Audience

You may be on fire to run a Carpentries workshop, and may even have roped some friends or colleagues into helping you, but it’ll be a lot of effort for nothing if you don’t start with at least some idea of an audience in mind.

Places to start looking for an audience:

A word of caution: especially if this is your first time organizing a workshop, make sure that expectations are managed.


Print out the form here (also included below) to help you with this stage of workshop planning.

Key Points