This lesson shows how to run a Software Carpentry workshop, proceeding through initial requirements, and then lists of tasks to do at various stages before and after the workshop.
This lesson is primarily for a certified Carpentry instructor who wants to run a local workshop, but could also be used by an organizer or host who wants to partner with the Software Carpentry in organizing a workshop.
This is a community document! See the contribution guidelines for how to add your own ideas or contribute.
If you are a Carpentry-certified instructor and can get access to a workshop space, you already have all you need to get started! Don’t be daunted – everything you need should be contained in this guide.
00:00 | 1. Three to Six Months: People and Place | What do I need to have to run a Carpentries workshop? |
00:10 | 2. Six to Eight Weeks: Local Logistics | When do I need to start planning? |
00:20 | 3. Three to Four Weeks: Instructors and Learners | When do I need to start planning? |
00:30 | 4. One Week: Reminders | What needs to happen the week before the workshop? |
00:40 | 5. Blast-Off! | What needs to happen on the day of the workshop? |
00:50 | 6. After the Workshop | What follow-up steps are required after the workshop? |
The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.