Submitting a Job
How do you submit jobs using a scheduling program like HTCondor?
Write a list describing what information the scheduler needs to know.
Create a submit file from a template.
Explain what each line of the submit file does.
Log in
This page has information about how to log into the submit server. If you already have an account in CHTC, log into the submit server where your account was created. If you don’t already have a CHTC account, you’ll be logging into
Information Wanted
Before we go further, what information do you think the scheduler needs to know to run your job successfully? Make a list with your neighbor.
Information in Submit File
The submit file needs to contain the following information:
- What to run
- What files and software you need
- How many standard resources you need (CPUs, memory, disk)
- Where to record data about the job
- Special requirements: GPUs, access to Gluster, a certain operating system
- How many jobs you want to run
Sample Submit File
This is a sample HTCondor submit file that includes all the information from the list above for a simple job.
universe = vanilla
log = hello-chtc_$(Cluster).log
error = hello-chtc_$(Cluster)_$(Process).err
output = hello-chtc_$(Cluster)_$(Process).out
executable =
arguments = $(Process)
should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
# transfer_input_files = file1,/absolute/pathto/file2,etc
request_cpus = 1
request_memory = 1GB
request_disk = 1MB
queue 3
The executable
(which we’ll create below) is what we want the job to
actually run. For this example, it will be a simple shell script. Our
script will also take a single argument, which is provided by the arguments
The log
, output
and error
files all track information printed by the job or
about the job (and we’ll learn more after we submit the job).
The “transfer files” lines all tell HTCondor what to do with output and input
files. We’ll cover the transfer_input_files
line in a later part of the lesson.
The request_
lines tell HTCondor how many resources on the computer that you
need to run your jobs.
The final queue
statement actually creates a job when the submit file is
submitted. In this example, queue 3
means that three separate jobs will be
submitted. These jobs will each have a unique “Process” number assigned by
HTCondor, and wherever you see $(Process)
in the submit file above, that
variable will be replaced by the process number for that job.
Create a submit file
Create a file called
as shown above.
Sample Executable
echo "Hello CHTC from Job $1 running on `whoami`@`hostname`"
ls -lh
sleep 120
Create the executable
Create a file called
as shown above. Give it executable permissions by running:chmod +x
Key Points
A submit file tells the job scheduler information like resource requirements, software and data requirements, and what commands to run.