Introduction to HTC at CHTC

The Center for High Throughput Computing provides large-scale computational resources to researchers on campus who require computing to do their work.
This training provides an introduction to what high throughput computing is and how to start using CHTC’s high throughput computing resources.


This training assumes that you already have a basic knowledge of shell commands to create, edit, and move files and directories, as well as how to navigate a filesystem using commands like cd and ls.

See the setup page for instructions on how to prepare.


Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Introduction What is high throughput computing?
What high throughput resources are available in CHTC?
00:00 2. Jobs and Scheduling What is a job?
How is a large-scale compute system organized?
What is a scheduling program?
00:00 3. Submitting a Job How do you submit jobs using a scheduling program like HTCondor?
00:00 4. Life Cycle of a Job What steps does a job go through?
How do I track my job’s progress?
00:00 5. Understanding Job Output How do I know if my job has run successfully?
What do all the job output files mean?
00:00 6. Troubleshooting and Interactive Jobs How can jobs fail?
How can I figure out what went wrong?
00:00 7. Being a Good Citizen in CHTC How can I be a good citizen?
00:15 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.